Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Politics Online

Politics have really changed since the technological advance of the internet. Before, all of our information on candidates and issues came directly from the television, the newspapers, or from the politicians themselves. With the development of the internet, we can now get any information we want on any political issue without turning on a TV, buying a news paper, or really put much effort into it at all.
With the past election, I remember receiving at least 10 emails a day regarding either the candidates themselves or one of the major issues. Not only was I receiving emails constantly, but I could not get on the internet without all of the headlines being about the election. This has created a way for American’s to get the useful information that they need at an incredible convenience. Even if you don’t have any interest in the campaigns or elections, if you use the internet, you can’t really get away from it, which is turn, can make people a lot more informed.
The internet allows people to get a lot of information really quickly and without much effort at all. They can choose directly where they get their information from and pick and choose from thousands of sources. I think that this advance in technology has definitely helped people be willing to vote and creates a bigger voter turnout.
The internet has also been useful in polling. There are tons of political polls online that most people cannot avoid. Even if you are not looking at a political article or website, chances are, you will come across a poll that is so quick and easy to do, you just can’t resist giving your opinion. These are useful in order to gage which candidate appears to be ahead without the campaigns using much effort or money at all.
Of course, while the internet is a fabulous toll for politics, many people believe that it has led to more false news and propaganda. This is certainly true however I feel that this propaganda would happen even without the internet in place. News is news no matter how you look at it and there would still be propaganda and lies in newspapers, commercials and radio. I think you just have to realize when something could be false and only go to credible websites that have credible news and articles.
Overall, I think that the internet has helped the political realm in many ways. Voter turnout has increased, there is much more information available, and as long as people are involved, the internet will always remain a great source and a useful aid in politics.

1 comment:

  1. I got a bunch of emails everyday also! So annoying after a while. I overdosed on politics during the election for sure! I thought it was amazing too how much information was on the internet! True and false. Related or unrealted. But you're right, I really think that having so much information out there that people can access on their own time has positively affected politics and voting!
